第1志望部門への応募理由を記入してください。 改行をせずにご記入ください。また、ダブルクオテーション(”)や中黒(・)の使用は避けてください。文字化けの原因となります。 400 文字以内
I want to live up to client’s needs in the financial service business constantly. And I have to make a better proposal about various demands, and get the client’s reliance. This section has an excellent system, and has an attitude that we promote our service by using global network to the full. We always pay attention to the market, and sense the correlation about profits and risks instantly. We keep running the forefront of the financial world by gathering the specialities and individual strength, and creative proposing by the spirits that the first priority is a client. So we keep giving impact to the global financial markets. I want to choose the best answer in the enormous resources by analyzing the problems from various angles. I am convinced that working here is indispensable for me.
第2志望部門への応募理由を記入してください。 改行をせずにご記入ください。また、ダブルクオテーション(”)や中黒(・)の使用は避けてください。文字化けの原因となります。なお、単願志望の場合は、N/Aと記入してください。 400 文字以内
In your department, to maximize the value for customer enterprise, we can propose essential reformations. We can also support customer enterprises through M&A advisory and fundraising. I’d like to build a trustful relationship with professionals by ameliorating various enterprises’ excellence. Furthermore, in your department, I consider that the speed and organizing ability are required. To exceed others, I am willing to be highly professional and also flexible though experiences. Also by being offered a great responsibility, I’d like to always be ambitious and enhance myself. The world in which one’s endeavor can be experimented and appears as outcome is the industry of investment banking and IBD which I’d like to be a part of. There, I’d like to help the country of Japan revitalized.
自己PR・その他特記事項などを記入してください。改行をせずにご記入ください。また、ダブルクオテーション(”)や中黒(・)の使用は避けてください。文字化けの原因となります。 400 文字以内
My strengths, which I acquired through out playing tennis since Grade 6, are flexibility, powers of observation, and ability to get things done. For the practice, I have to create a practice menu by observing the players who are better than me, and execute those menus. During the game, I have to be flexible to judge what I have to do next instantaneously by reading the opponent’s facial expression or movements. By making such efforts, I won a championship of the league with 14 groups and more than 250 people registered. Although I didn’t have technical advantage, I was able to win because of the effort that I had put for the past 9 years and my strategic thinking.
これまでにあなたがチームの一員として取り組んだ案件(プロジェクト)において、自分が果たした役割や貢献、さらにそこから得た反省点を英語で記入してください。(日本語不可)改行をせずにご記入ください。また、ダブルクオテーション(”)や中黒(・)の使用は避けてください。文字化けの原因となります。 800 文字以内
As a brain of our circle, I looked for the best team order. We wanted to rank in best 8 of the 40 circles. So we had to ponder our team order in the limited time. I met with our captain and members, and elaborate the strategy of our team to rank in best 8. I dag up our member’s strong points and weak points, and charted by hearing our members. And I reconnoitered our opponent’s team and made chart, and brushed up our team’s comparative strong or weak points. I made a lot of hypotheses of opponent’s order and made our best team order to the opponent’s, and chose and decided the best team order. As a result, we ranked in best 8. But I feel some reflections of this and I have a remedy. Surely our order was the best rationally, but I thought I had to consider the team’s stream and motivation.
- ・就活に役立つメールマガジンが届きます。
- ・企業の選考情報の口コミ、通過エントリーシートが見放題になります。
- ・会員限定公開の記事が読めます。
- ・会員専用機能が利用できます。(お気に入り登録など)